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Welcome to the IACAS 64 registration form.

All details need to be typed in ENGLISH.
This is how they will appear on your conference name tag.

Please complete the details below.

Personal Information
Only for messages concerning the confrence. Will NOT be transformed to any 3rd party
Ticket & Payment
Registration includes: Participation in all lectures during both conference days, Access to conference application, Coffee and Refreshments during breaks, Lunch each day, Name-tag. Students: Must upload valid student card
Registration includes: Participation in all lectures during both conference days, Access to conference application, Coffee and Refreshments during breaks, Lunch each day, Name-tag. Students: Must upload valid student card
*Please upload related certificate/ID

Credit Card Payment only with - Visa / Matercard / Isracard Cardas

Item Amount Price Subtotal
Subtotal Subtotal
Total Total

After submitting the form you will be redirected to a secure website to perform the transaction. Only after doing so will your registration be completed.

Invoice/Receipt Information

After submitting the form you will be redirected to PayPal to confirm the transaction. Only after doing so will your registration be completed.

In order to verify that you were invited, please fill in the code you recieved when invited

*All Changes or Cancellations have to be made in writing to our E-mail

*The deadline for cancellation is February 15, 2025.  Please note that a 100ILS Cancellation Fee will apply in that case.
*NO refunds will be given for cancellation received after February 15, 2025
*Refund will be provided 60 Days after the conference